Embracing Our Identity as Believers in ‘Southside Bougie’

In this powerful song, we celebrate the finished work of Jesus Christ and proudly spread the gospel in our community. Gone are the days of hiding away or feeling ashamed of who we are called to be. We stand tall and unapologetic, knowing that the ways of the world can never prevail or compete against the forces of darkness. It’s the gospel that holds the key to true freedom and salvation.

Grace knows no boundaries or limitations. It covers people from all backgrounds, situations, and even the deepest of evils, lifting them up and offering a new life. Our past histories with the world will always look like minuscule dust compared to the glory that awaits in our present mysteries with God. So buckle up your kingdom armour, wear on your lenses of His presence and let’s get on this journey of faith, as we boldly proclaim the good news and uplift souls with the transformative power of grace.

Music video for “Southside Boogie — Joshua Kirubagaran ft.Shreyanka Kirubagaran, Nocturnal Volph”

Lyrics for “Southside Boogie — Joshua Kirubagaran ft.Shreyanka Kirubagaran, Nocturnal Volph”

ah see Mama wasn’t racing no gangsters a
bunch of Flesh loving blown smoke out of
the nostrils wasn’t ready to complain
when the forces of evil came up against
us came up against us ain’t no
confessions no procrastinations no time
to tie your shoelaces no time to lose
when the races no time to compete with
the forces of Darkness though the
darkness could Prevail that was the last
shining Us by the sunscale call it
Braille or gleaming cold flying high
above the solar Road up in the motor
boats Road is closed
for those with pride and they hot that’s
not at the Kingston so get ready yeah

still no one cares for the least that’s
absurd you cannot blame the whole world
for they heard damn I am maintain I am a
beast eating out of a ham all of this
grace in Jehovah’s dream stops our
bookies gonna Rush with a plan this
gospel is free nothing you seek has
velocity to build energy he’s greater
than thee don’t bother breathe the devil
don’t weak we finna eat weeping to eat

just know that you’re on a crime when
you worship Christ on a perfect mind and
you don’t know when it all gonna end and
you don’t know when you’re gonna worship
him and you don’t know whether your
weather is darkness and you don’t know
whether the media bought this and in
fact you got no patience at that
fighting on Instagram won’t do no Jack
you gotta run up or build that be crack
all of economies money and rap so I’m
saying Barbie you’re interested in money
games telling the guy rolls up you’re
running away render me Prejudice yeah no
better free this is a new project

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